At five-fifty Russian time on the 24th February 2022, the Kremlin and Red Square suddenly release an emergency live of Russian president Vladímir Vladímirovich Pútin declaring war on Ukraine. At the same time, the United Nations Security Council is having a meeting. It started fifteen minutes ago and the Secretary-General of the United Nations said," Mr. Putin, before you get out of hand, please turn your back!” Putin’s act shocked the whole world. The war has started for 4 days and there is no country sending armies to help the Ukrainian Government. Why?
One of the reasons is because of the natural gases. Russia supplies 70% of natural gases in Europe and 14% of that in the world. If the US or European countries send armies to Ukraine to support their government, Putin will cut the natural gases supply. It will be gorgeous damage for those countries. As a result, they don’t support them by sending armies.
Why does Putin attack Ukraine? There are many reasons!
The first idea that pops up into my mind is because Putin said that Ukraine is “ancient Russian soil”. Also, Ukrainian and Russian belong to the same nationality. Putin thinks that they should belong to the same country. This is one of the reasons why he attacks Ukraine.
Apart from that, it is caused by Putin’s grievance on Ukraine’s independence after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. Ukraine is one of the biggest countries which divide from Russia after the dissolution of the USSR. Putin is upset about that and wants to get it back as Russia’s territory.
The last one is because Ukraine requested to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which is pro-USA and against Russia. Ukraine also wants to join the European Union. Seeing Ukraine is much more pro-Europe and less pro-Russia, Putin is worried. As a result, he declared war in order to get back the pro-Russia government in Ukraine.
There is someone who is asking me if the cold war will happen again? In my opinion, it is not possible for the world. For other countries, as I have mentioned before in this passage. The shortage of natural gases is serious for many countries. On Russia’s side, it affects their economy too. The inter-economy in some categories of Russia is not well developed due to its location and high latitude. Those categories’ economies rely on supply from other countries, including European countries and America. Cold War will cause a significant hit on Russia’s economy too.
I really hope Russia will stop the war and the peace will restore soon. Keep up, Ukrainians!